Question : How to change attribute for my sub folders.
I have a windows server 2003 system. In this systems i have a 2 tb folder in my e drive. i don't know what happened, but the folder got hidden. Later i found that the folder's attribute were change to hidden and system files.
That folder name is Usersfiles. then i went to command prompt and type the folloeing command.
e:>attrib -s -h Usersfiles.
after that i am able to view the folder. My problem is, in that folder i have more that 6000 sub folders. All folders attributes are changed to hidden and system file. How can i remove the hidden and system file attribute to my UsersFiles as well the subfolders. Pleaase help me to solve the problem....
Answer : How to change attribute for my sub folders.
As far as i can see you need to use the following command to change all subfolders and files from hidden to unhidden:
attrib -h /s /d "your directory"
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