Question : Update column SYS.XMLTYPE more 64kb. Using CSHARP
I need a update one column XmlType in oracle table more than 64kb. Using CSHARP.
string sql = @" UPDATE TbParceiro
SET configuracao = :configuracao
WHERE parceiro = :parceiro ";
DbCommand comm = Database.GetSqlStringComma
comm.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("parceiro"
, parceiro));
comm.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("configura
cao", configuracao.ToString()));
its. throw exception "ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column"
My Column configuracao is XMLTYPE
My COlumn parceiro is varchar(32)
2010-08-25 15:42:10.3220 Trace [5132] - LOG QUERY
UPDATE TbParceiro
SET configuracao = :configuracao
WHERE parceiro = :parceiro
parceiro = mapfrews
configuracao = content of <configuracao.txt> attachment.
Question. How to insert large data ( > 64kb) in column type xmltype ??
Thank you
(8 KB)
(File Type Details)
Cotent of variable configuracao
Answer : Update column SYS.XMLTYPE more 64kb. Using CSHARP
Sorry, it's not a c# limitation, it's an XMLTYPE limit in oracle that isn't resolved until 11g
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