Question : How can I calculate the hieght of a row based on the cell contents?

I have a php app that creates a strategic planning document dynamically.  Part of the data is a series of charts.  I'm using tables to create these charts.   The charts are strategies that relate to each goal of the organization.  The goal prints above the chart.

Some of these charts end up being multiple pages and I need to figure out a way to break them into one table per page so that the goal can print at the top of each page.  The data within several cells wraps and can be anywhere from 1 line to 20+ lines per row.

The only way I can think of to figure out how many rows (strategies) will fit on a page would be to calculate how many lines each cell contains (or the height of each row).

Does anyone have any ideas how I could do this?

Thanks so much!

Answer : How can I calculate the hieght of a row based on the cell contents?

This does not answer your question how to calculate height, but it solves your problem of repeating your goal on top of th epage:

If the date is in a html <table> and you want to repeat the caption on each page, you should put it into a row of its own in a <thead>
  <tr><th> This repaeats on each page</th></tr>
   <tr><td> ... </td></tr>
   <tr><td> ... </td></tr>
   <tr><td> ... </td></tr>
   <tr><td> ... </td></tr>
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