Question : oracle database user password expiry automated report
Hi friends,
I would like to generate a password expiry report from oracle 11g database (as system/sys user) basically who’s account is nearing expiry date.
Let’s assume I have six environments and each environment running 7 databases.
Could you advise the best way/trick to generate this report? In automated way or on ad-hoc single execution/click?
Can oracle enterprise manager manage/alert this?
I was thinking of a SQL (select * from dba_users where expiry_date < thersold), pass this SQL against each database, from a batch file and generate report. But I’m pretty sure mine is from old school :)
I have system access to all databases and can schedule this on windows vista/linux/Oracle EM
Any help would be much appreciated
thanks in advance
Answer : oracle database user password expiry automated report
The script sounds reasonable to me. I would add that if the databases are on the same network as an email server or email relay, I would have the database email you directly using UTL_MAIL and DBMS_SCHEDULER.
This eliminates the OS scripts and cron.
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