Question : SQL Percentage Results

I would like the percentage displayed like this: 25.00% intead of just 25%
What do I need to do with the code below? Thank you
sqlCount.CommandText = "SELECT 100.0*Sum(IIF(Camera = 'No',1,0))/Count(*) AS PercentageNo FROM Pushback_Table"
set objRs = sqlCount.Execute
<%= "" & Fix(CDbl(objRs("PercentageNo"))+0.5) & "%" %>

Answer : SQL Percentage Results

I just took a look but can't see the fix function. As long as the fix function isn't breaking it you should be able to just do this:
<%= "" & formatNumber(Fix(CDbl(objRs("PercentageNo"))+0.5),2) & "%" %>
Give it a try and if it doesn't work, let me know what 'Fix' does. Thanks.
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