Question : Removing Office 2010 Beta problems
I wish to remove the Office 2010 beta from my 64bit Win 7 system. I tried uninstall in control panel - reported an error. Then doesn't work anymore. If click uninstall nothing happens.
Did some Googling to find Microsoft's Cleanup tool no longer recommended.
So tried Microsoft Fixit 50450 and it starts working - flashes a DOS box up momentarily and disappears. But doesn't seem to do anything .... Office still there.
Secondary question is can I easily keep any customisations I have made e.g. Outlook account settings. I now wish to install the released retail version of Office 2010.
Answer : Removing Office 2010 Beta problems
Shree - I just used Revo Uninstaller - I have now removed Office 2010 beta and have installed the commercial version of Office 2010. Seems I'm OK. Thanks for your efforts though.
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