'JD EDWARDS (AS/400 software) uses dates called JULIAN.
'A JULIAN Date identifies the year first, then the number of days into the year that
'his date appears. So, Jan 15, 1999 is 99015. March 15 is 99074. March 15, 2001 is
'101074 Dates in Y2K start with 100 (2000), 101(2001) etc.
StartDate = Format("01/15/2000")
TempFromDate = DateValue(StartDate)
TempYr = 100 + Val(Format(TempFromDate, "yyyy")) - Val(Format(DateValue("01/01/2000"), "yyyy"))
TempYr = TempYr * 1000
TempString = "01/01/" + Format(TempFromDate, "yyyy")
fromdate = TempYr + TempFromDate - DateValue(TempString) + 1