Question : Installing SSRS 2005 on Windows Server 2008 R2
I have an installation of Sql Server 2005 64-but SP3 running on a windows 2008 r2 server. The original installation included SQL Server database engine, Sql Server Analytical Services and the client tools. I'd like to add SSRS 2005. However, when I try to install it, I get the warning that IIS isn't installed. Then on the following screen, the SSRS doesn't show up as an option. However, IIS is installed (v7) and the v6 compatability is as well. How can I get SSRS 2005 installed?
Answer : Installing SSRS 2005 on Windows Server 2008 R2
This should do it I believe - test it first on something that doesn't matter though!
mv *_??_lrg.jpg /home/myself/documents/web
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