Question : Logitech Monitor Showing VERY FEW Resolution Options in Win 7
I am running Win 7, 64-bit. I have been using dual 19" CRT monitors for some time now--a Samsung 955DF and a NEC 19'. Both worked fine but the NEC just crapped out and I replaced it with a Logitech e790, 19" monitor. When I went in to adjust the resolution to match the Samsung (I prefer 1024 X 768), the Logitech monitor was properly identified to Windows 7 but the only resolutions shown that were available were 1280 X 1024 and 800 X 600.
I went to the Viewsonic web site to get a Win 7 driver for the screen. I downloaded the signed driver for Win 7, 64-bit. When I tried to installl it, the program said "screen not found" and suggested to try the unsigned version instead, which I did. The install completed but I still have the same two pathetic choices only. My Samsung monitor shows up as "Generice Non-PnP Monitor and has ALL possible resolutions, but the Logitech, which is properly identified only has two, AFTER I apparently installed the driver.
What will it take to be able to have ALL possible resolutions this monitor can run available to Windows 7? Is it possible that this monitor will not work any better with Windows 7???
Answer : Logitech Monitor Showing VERY FEW Resolution Options in Win 7
Hi westdh,
You can add any variable or object you want to Session State. For example if you want to add the url path to Session State using c#:
Hope this helps you.
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