Question : Problem with the choice command under ms-dos 8.0
I'm working on a script and I have problems running the choice command. This is :
choice /c:12 /n Format a:,g: ? if errorlevel 1 goto a if errorlevel 2 goto fine
:a format a: goto fine
:g format g: goto fine
choice /c:1234567 /n Format b:,c:,d:,e:,f:,a:,g: ? if errorlevel 1 goto b if errorlevel 2 goto c if errorlevel 3 goto d if errorlevel 4 goto e if errorlevel 5 goto f if errorlevel 6 goto a if errorlevel 7 goto fine
:b format b: goto fine
:c format c: goto fine
:d format d: goto fine
:e format e: goto fine
:f format f: goto fine
:a format a: goto fine
:g format g: goto fine
:fine shutdown
the problem born when I choose an option from 1 to 7 inside the Block 2 the script always jumps on block 1 and it executes the code under the :a section. How can I fix it ?
Answer : Problem with the choice command under ms-dos 8.0
If you need to manage the device using the inside ip address but you are behind a VPN you should use this command:
management-access inside
After that you are going to be able to launch the ASDM through the tunnel.