Question : RDLC and syntax help needed

I have a rdlc report and on the report I have  the ServiceCost.value and Confirmed.value ( which is Boolean)
ServiceCost is Currency.
I can get a total for service cost. But how do I get the sum of servicecost.value if confirmed.value =False
I have tried every single statement below and the closest i get is
=FormatCurrency(Sum(str(Fields!ServiceCost.Value) -(str(Fields!ServiceCost.value and Fields!Confirmed.value=False))))
If all evaluate to false it gives the correct amount. Which is $0.00
If all evaluate to true it gives the correct amount. Whatever the service total is.
If any ONE evaluates with a true and false for ServiceCost then it takes the .00 of the false and adds it to the total, throwing it all off.
So if it should be 241.00 it ends up as 241.25

All other attempts below

'=IIF(Fields!Confirmed.Value = "False",0,0 and Sum(Fields!ServiceCost.value))
'=Sum(IIF(Fields!ServiceCost.value and Fields!Confirmed.Value="False",0,1))
'(CDec(Fields!ServiceCost.Value and Fields!Confirmed.value=False)))
'=FormatCurrency(Sum(fix(Fields!ServiceCost.Value and Fields!Confirmed.value=False)))
'=IIf (Fields!Confirmed.value ,0,1 and sum(Fields!ServiceCost.Value))
'=FormatCurrency(Sum(str(Fields!ServiceCost.Value) -(str(Fields!ServiceCost.value and Fields!Confirmed.value=False))))
'=FormatCurrency(Sum(CDec(Fields!ServiceCost.Value and Fields!Confirmed.value=False)))
'=Sum(IIF(Fields!Confirmed.Value = "False", 1, 0))
'=Sum(IIF(Fields!ServiceCost.value and Fields!Confirmed.Value,0,0))
'=IIF(Fields!Confirmed.Value = "False", 0, 0 and Sum(Fields!ServiceCost.value))
'=FormatCurrency(Sum(Fields!ServiceCost.Value and Fields!Confirmed.value=False))

Answer : RDLC and syntax help needed

Sorry. Have a look at this article. I believbe it is what your looking for
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