Question : Exchange Management Tools Fails to Install
I followed the steps in this support article to install Exchange 2007 Management tools on a 32-bit operating system because I need to use the import-mailbox function on PST files that were ExMerged out of an SBS 2003 box.
Everything works, and it passes all the pre-requisites. Then I see a quick blip that it is accessing AD, and then I get a "Cannot find the file specified error" and it crashes.
How do I fix this?
PS. This is a virtual machine on the SBS2k8 box. I am logged in as the Network Administrator.
PPS... Side Rant.... How COMPLETELY RETARDED is it that Exchange only comes in 64-bit but to import PST files you MUST you a 32-bit OS with the management tools installed?
Answer : Exchange Management Tools Fails to Install
There were only 5 users on this box. I ended up using Outlook in the virtual machine to import everyone's PST files.
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