Question : Java web frameworks

Forgive me if my question did not make sense but I am a beginner in java web applications. I have been online to find out which web frame work is the best for general web application development. I came across a couple of them but i don't really know which one will be the best for me to start with.

I came across the following
1. jsp
2. jsf
3. struts
4. Tapestry
5. swing (e.t.c....)
Can i please know why all this confusing frameworks for Java.

Answer : Java web frameworks

  • If you a really beginner your best shot should be JSP/Servlets. Head First - Servlets and JSP book from O'Reilly it is a great resource to learn them.
  • If you like to use JSF, you could give Seam a shot ( Seam is a GREAT framework to do JSF base web applications.Nevertheless JSF/Seam has a steepy learning curve. Seams involves JSF,EJB3,JPA, so, I do not recommend it for beginners. 
  • There are a lot of java web frameworks available: Struts, Tapestry, Wicket, Vaadin, Spring MVC, Play, Grails. 
  • Grails is a Groovy/Spring/Hibernate based framework. If you don't mind in learn Groovy which is a Java based language and believe me, it is REALLY EASY to learn. Grails has great IDE, community and documentation support ( 
  • Swing is not a web framework thought.
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