I would not recommend to go back to 12.5 as BE 2010 R2 is much better and less buggy then 12.5. There is no way to revert back to BE 12.5 if the database has been upgraded to BE 2010. If you have upgraded the software from BE 12.5 to BE 2010 then there would be a backup of old 12.5 database saved in "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\DataBackup" folder. If its present then you can revert back to BE 12.5.
Steps to Revert back.
1. Copy the content of DataBackup Folder to Some other location.
2. Uninstall BE 2010 and install 12.5.
3. Stop SQL service for BE and Replace the Content of DataBackup folder to new Data folder in BE.
4. Start BE services and it will be reverted to your old Data.
Search Symantec KB for any errors.