Question : ORA-01456, Can't perform update/insert etc in Stored Procedure from Crystal Reports
Okay, I have a Crystal Report which I want to link to a Stored Procedure. This stored procedure uses temporary tables within it. It inserts/updates/deletes etc etc.
When I try to connect to the stored procedure in Crystal Reports I get the following error message:
Query Engine Error: 'HY000:[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]
may not perform insert/delete/update operation inside a READ ONLY transaction
Seems pretty crazy that you can't make any changes to tables if calling a stored procedure from Crystal, so there must be something wrong here. Is it purely because it's in a read only transaction? How am I in a read only transaction? Where/how can I change that? etc etc
Answer : ORA-01456, Can't perform update/insert etc in Stored Procedure from Crystal Reports
Yea no worries, It will just be a matter of playing around with which way to set up the paramters will work best . Glad you got it sorted ;)
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