options.statusUpdate = function( quizInfo, $currQuiz ){
if( quizInfo.hasQuit ){
var response = "If you are interested in receiving more information about spine care near you, we can help connect you with the experts in the Sutter Health network <a href="http://www.sutterhealth.org">Click Here</a> <br> <br> This information has been provided by Sutter Neuroscience Medical Group's spine surgeon <a href="http://www.sutterhealth.org/ProviderSearch/?sitecfg=75&action=providerdetail&masterid=5381&isLevelOne=">Dr. Gary Schneiderman.</a>"
$( $currQuiz ).find( ".q-statDetails" ).hide();
$( $currQuiz ).find( ".q-extraStat" ).html( response );