Hahah, happy to help--although I do have to head off to sleep shorty as it's 12:30AM here.
Mapping is not a problem, add the users to both Security Groups KM-MC4695MF and KM-5550PCL6. That only adds the printers, doesn't set the default.
If you want to set the default to one of those create two new security groups in AD, called:
"KM-5550PCL6 Default" and "KM-MC4695MF Default" (or something like that)
Then modify this section to the following:
'#Set default printer####
if IsMember("KM-MC4695MF Default") then
WshNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter "\\SATURN\KM-MC4695MF"
strDefaultPrinter = "KM-MC4695MF"
elseif IsMember("KM-5550PCL6 Default") then
WshNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter "\\SATURN\KM-5550PCL6"
strDefaultPrinter = "KM-5550PCL6"
end if
'wscript.echo strDefaultPrinter
You can then add the user to: KM-MC4695MF Default if you want them to have that printer set to default