Question : Help filtering on derived column
I have the following query which returns a rows that contain a date and an amount. I tried to modify the WHERE clause to return only a single row for a specific date. The query executes but no data is returned. Can someone clue me into the problem?
SELECT CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(d, tblPaymentTerms.LateAfterD
ays, tblInvoice.DateSubmitted),
111) AS DueDate, SUM(COALESCE (details.SubTotal, 0)
- COALESCE (payments.Total, 0) + COALESCE (tblInvoice.Shipping, 0)) AS BalanceDue
FROM tblPaymentTerms INNER JOIN
tblInvoice ON tblPaymentTerms.ID = tblInvoice.fkPaymentTerms LEFT OUTER JOIN
(SELECT fkInvoice, SUM(Amount) AS Total
FROM tblInvoicePayment
GROUP BY fkInvoice) AS payments ON payments.fkInvoice = tblInvoice.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
(SELECT d.fkInvoice, SUM((d.Quantity * d.UnitPrice) * (1 + CASE d .Taxable WHEN 1 THEN i.SalesTaxRate ELSE 0 END)) AS SubTotal
FROM tblInvoiceDetail AS d INNER JOIN
tblInvoice AS i ON i.ID = d.fkInvoice
GROUP BY d.fkInvoice) AS details ON details.fkInvoice = tblInvoice.ID
WHERE (tblInvoice.fkInvoiceStatu
s IN (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7))
GROUP BY CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(d, tblPaymentTerms.LateAfterD
ays, tblInvoice.DateSubmitted),
ORDER BY duedate
If I change the WHERE clause to the following I have no rows returned even though there is valid data.
WHERE (tblInvoice.fkInvoiceStatu
s IN (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) AND (CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(d, tblPaymentTerms.LateAfterD
ays, tblInvoice.DateSubmitted),
111) = '06/01/2010')
Answer : Help filtering on derived column
The derived actually results in YYYY/MM/DD Format change your Where clause to
(CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(d, tblPaymentTerms.LateAfterD
ays, tblInvoice.DateSubmitted),
111) = '2010/06/01')
Check these date formats
101) -- MM/DD/YYYY
111) -- YYYY/MM/DD
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