Question : Files scp'ed from Unix servers to Win XP (running WinSSHD V5 ) could not be deleted on the PC
After I've scp ' ed (Unix secure copy) files from Unix servers (HP-UX servers tested
so far) to a Win XP PC running WinSSHD Ver 5 (this is the only PC on that LAN for
files upload / download ), I was not able to delete those files on the PC even if
a) I shutdown WinSSHD server running on the PC (as I thought it was locking those
files) & used local administrator on the PC to delete the files
b) Perform step (a) above & issue "attrib/s -h -s -r *.*" on those files using
administrator, it gave "Access denied"
This phenomenon happens to files copies to the PC's C:\ drive, C:\temp, D:\temp
or even a thumb drive on the PC.
However, for thumb drive, if I dislodge the thumb drive & reinsert the thumb
drive, then I'm able to delete the files on the thumb drive.
Any idea?
Answer : Files scp'ed from Unix servers to Win XP (running WinSSHD V5 ) could not be deleted on the PC
In my opinion files copied from *nix have a some special attributes which wrong "translates" to NTFS permissions. To clean they I suggest try takeown. Are you tried? Have a results?
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