Question : Need to do a selective join
I have created a multi table join and need to join just one more table, please see attachment. I have commented out the table I that is creating the problem. In a nutshell I just want to jjoin each row in the top select with correct row in the bottom table select. But I can't get a unique join, so it's returning two rows becaise band_id and Security_level id have two matches. What I need is to join the top select with the bottom table where band_id and security_level_id (top select) = band_id and security_level_id (bottom select). I guess this is another level select but just don't know the syntax
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Screen shot of select and result
Answer : Need to do a selective join
Do you mean to do?
join Band_Security_Level f on a.Band_ID = f.Band_ID
AND a.[Security_Level_ID] = f.[Security_Level_ID]
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