Question : Citrix XenDesktop - Cannot Create or Join Farm - HELP
Hello all. I recently set up a test environment to try out Citrix XenDeskop Express (10 VDI license). I put XenServer on a machine - all good so far. I installed a Win Server 2003 VM to function as the DDC. Also created one XP Pro VM as a virtual desktop machine. I did NOT install a domain controller as a vm on the xenserver box, but I instead joined the DDC to my REAL domain. Everything is one big subnet and can see everything else. Created an OU in the root of my domain for the farm. When I go to install the remote delivery console and license server onto the DDC machine, the install goes through fine, however I'm never presented with any choice to create or join a farm. The Citrix documentation clearly states that at this step I should be presented with said prompt. XenCenter is in an XP workstation and connects just fine with the xenserver. How do I create my farm? Is the express edition limited in that I cannot join the DDC to a domain that exists beyond the xenserver?
Answer : Citrix XenDesktop - Cannot Create or Join Farm - HELP
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