Question : URGENT: Need help with cfhttp file upload...
How do I programmatically pass the file (from the "uploadForm") that I'm trying to upload into the "file" attribute of <cfhttpparam type="FILE"...>? (see code below)
<form action="<cfoutput>#CGI.SCR
" enctype="multipart/form-da
ta" method="post" name="uploadForm" id="uploadForm">
Please specify the file to upload by browsing to it: <input type="file" name="file2Upload" size="40" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Upload" name="btnUpload" id="btnUpload" />
<cfif structKeyExists(form,"btnU
pload") AND len(trim(form.file2Upload)
<cfhttp method="post" result="Response" url="
multipart="Yes" resolveURL="Yes" throwOnError="Yes">
<cfhttpparam type="FormField" name="MyField1" value="some hardcoded value 1">
<cfhttpparam type="FormField" name="MyField2" value="some hardcoded value 2">
<cfhttpparam type="FormField" name="MyField3" value="some hardcoded value 3">
<cfhttpparam type="FormField" name="MyField4" value="some hardcoded value 4">
<cfhttpparam type="FormField" name="MyField5" value="some hardcoded value 5">
<cfhttpparam type="FILE" name="Filename" file=""> <!--- How do I programmatically pass the file (from the "uploadForm" above) that I'm trying to upload into the "file" attribute here? --->
tent: #Response.filecontent#</cf
Many thanks in advance.
Answer : URGENT: Need help with cfhttp file upload...
This is probably a dredded corrupt Outlook profile. Have you tried re-creating your Outlook profile from the mail applet in the control panel?
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