Question : null pointer exception issue
1. if the column folderProperties is null in the table, then below code will throw null pointer exception:
String strProperties = manager.getFolderPropertie
if (strProperties.eqauls("HHH
") )....
2. Also another null pointer problem example:
list= Manager.getList(customerId
for (MailingStaging mailing : listStaging) {
So if listStaging has no record, above line will throw null pointer error too.
So my question is I have a try catch block to catch the null pointer, but this will leave the null pointer error in my log. What is the standard way to deal with this kind of common null pointer problem? Any sample code is appreciated.
Answer : null pointer exception issue
Be sure to keep [app_name].exe and [app_name].exe.config in the same directory.
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