Question : How to determine age of a Windows Vista laptop
One of my friends has a computer problem (probably a blown SMD fuse)
and left for serveral days.
Now I'm at the point if tearing it apart or sending it back to the producer.
This depends on whether the warranty is stil valid.
My friend is travelling and can't locate the receipt for a few days.
further he doesn't remember the date.
So I wondered, how I could find out:
when Windows Vista was installed on the host (Will be before the PC was bought)
when the main account was created (will be a few days after the PC was received)
This should allow me to determine whetherthe PC is still under warranty
Thanks for your help
Answer : How to determine age of a Windows Vista laptop
also you can check the user profile dates and see if a new user was created, and that should give you an idea
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