Question : What do you think about these specs for a new System Center Operations/Configurations Manager 2007 R2 server?
Hi, I know I am probably beating a dead horse, but I only get one shot at purchasing needed hardware and want to make sure I get it right or close to it.
So, what do you think about these specs for a SCCM/SCOM 2007 R2 server? I plan to offload the SQL database to a seperate SQL server running SQL 2005 w/ latest SP. So, this will just be the front end distro box.
CPU: Quad Core Xeon 3 GHz
HDD: RAID 5 (500GB x 4 or 5)
NIC: Dual Gigabit Intel NICs
OS: Windows Server 2008 R2
Answer : What do you think about these specs for a new System Center Operations/Configurations Manager 2007 R2 server?
2.8 GHz or faster
2 GB of RAM or more
50 GB of available hard disk space
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