Question : How do I know which Cisco Bundle I have?

I just bought a used Cisco 2811 HSEC/K9 router. Once it arrived I wanted to confirm that I got what I paid for. The AIM VPN Module is there, but I noticed the IOS installed is advanced security rather than advanced IP services.

Now I'm not sure if I got a Cisco 2811 SEC/K9 with the AIM VPN module added to it or an actual Cisco 2811 HSEC/K9. You can see the bundles in the link below:

How do I determine what bundle the router has? My guess is it's possible to do it by trial and error (installing advanced IP services IOS and seeing if it works), but is there no easier way to just see what the router is licensed for?

Answer : How do I know which Cisco Bundle I have?

I dont know whether this is a feasible option for you, or is even a solution for your situation, but what we do, is purcahse 1 Volume Licensed XP key from MS, and build an image using the Volume Licensed media. This way we can distribute one image to all computers and dont have trouble with license keys. I was told by numerous top tier vendors, that as long as the workstaions have an OEM license on them, you are still within your license terms, even if you used VLK to install the OS.
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