Question : How to capture data from website into c#
I am working on a test project so further expand my knowledge of C# and I need your help understanding how to do something.
There is a website that has data on it which updates every 0-10 seconds (kinda like a stock ticker)...
I want to be able to capture that data into my c# application so that I can determine patterns, track data, etc.
I have already tried using the web services and capturing the data that way, but it only captures the html source code, and because the code that I need to capture is css, or something, it doesn't appear to be grabbing it anywhere.
For an example of the data that I'm trying to capture, you can visit
www.qu and click on one of the items listed that is being bid on.
The data that I want to capture is on the right, under "bidding history". I would like to capture the "BID", the "BIDDER", and the "TYPE".
Thank you in advance for helping me learn how to do this.
Answer : How to capture data from website into c#
Aha, found a nice piece of software that did the job for me:
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