I applaud you for wanting a common error handler. Let me explain how I do it.
Create a global function for your common error handler logic. The "the entry point of your app" may work--I don't know--it needs to be callable from anywhere. Let's call that functio ErrorRoutine().
Then code all suboutines something like this:
Private Sub MySub ()
On Error GoTo Finish
....<errors will be trapped>
On Error Resume Next
...<errors will not be trapped here>
On Error GoTo Finish
....<errors will be trapped>
If err.number then if ErrorRoutine (vbRetry) = vbRetry then Resume
...<subroutine housekeeping goes here>
Exit Sub
My version of ErrorRoutine evaluates for the retry parameter and if present issues an abort, cancel, retry prompt. This permits the failing operation to be retried (which I find useful for debuggin).