Question : How do I perform Proximity Search using the database provided by IPINFODB

How do I perform Proximity Search using the database provided by IPINFODB

I am using the following:

Answer : How do I perform Proximity Search using the database provided by IPINFODB

A proximity search using latitude and longatude will be incredibly slow, I wouldn't advise it. The query above will return the lat and long for the IP. You would then have to do some lat/long calculations for your 5 mile raduis and add a where clause, something like the following:-

WHERE latitude BETWEEN $min_lat AND $max_lat
AND longitude BETWEEN $min_long AND $max_long

Check out this thread for raduis calcs using lat and long:-

If youcome up with some code to debug, I'd be glad to help you with that. It's quite unreasonable to expect the code to be written up for you though.
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