Question : Importing a MySQL Database
I'm a Microsoft .NET programmer just getting into PHP & MySQL. I'm trying to set up a development environment and have been given a website and a sql backup file. I've installed PHP and MySQL on a Windows box and it appears to be working just fine but I have no idea how to import the .sql file into the MySQL database.
I've downloaded & installed MySQL Workbench and tried using the "Import from Disk" feature only to get the following error:
ERROR 1046 (3D000) at line 20: No database selected
I'm too knew to this environment to know how to solve the problem. Can anyone help?
Answer : Importing a MySQL Database
After you connect to the server, you must select the database before importing the .sql file.
Issue the command below, changing database_name to your database name, of course:
use database_name;
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