Question : Convert Date Format CCYYMMDD to MMDDYYYY
I am having difficulties converting the Century date to USA date display. In my Micorsoft SQL 2000 statement I am using the following in my view:
Convert(varchar, dbo.WFALREP.ALAKD8,101)
The field [ALAKD8] is used as the Job Completed Date for a work order completion. When the SQL is 'run' is does not convert the Century date (i.e. 1100616 does not display as 06/16/2010). I also have another field [ABAADT] which is a Requested Date, so I'll be using the same format for this field as well.
Thank you in advance.
Answer : Convert Date Format CCYYMMDD to MMDDYYYY
so what about
Convert(datetime, cast((dbo.WFALREP.ALAKD8 +19000000) as varchar),101)
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