Question : Strange Blackberry Texting Issue after Enterprise Activation
I have about 50 Nextel Blackberry 8350i users on my BES server. One of the users is having the following issue. When I wipe the device all Sprint/Nextel services are normal. However when we do the enterprise activation on the device, the SMS/MMS goes rediculously slow. Like in several minutes to open a text, several minutes to reply. The latency makes it impossible to use. I have already tried a different device reactivated it and I have the same issue. There appears to be plenty of free device memory. The logs are basically empty. The only thing I see that's at all exceptional is that the user has 2500 contacts, which is a lot for my user base, but as I said, the device has planty of available memory. Has anyone seen this type of behavior? Any suggestions what I should check next? The only physical thing I havent swapped is the SIM.
Answer : Strange Blackberry Texting Issue after Enterprise Activation
Well its the address book causing the slowness. Take a backup of the address book and then delete it. Check the performance. I am sure it will be helpful.
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