Question : TimeSpan Math
Is there a way to accurately return the diff between TimeSpans?
For example; inTrackLength = 00:54:16.1220000 and inTimeElapsed = 00:51:30.3910000
Dim TimeRemaining As TimeSpan = inTrackLength.Subtract(inT
Since I am only displaying Hours:Minutes:Seconds
TimeRemaining is 00:02:45.7310000
I would expect TimeRemaining to be rounded to 00:02:46.
I guess my real question is how do I round-up TimeRemaining to the nearest second?
Answer : TimeSpan Math
you can try to check TotalMilliseconds part...
ms = ts.TotalMilliseconds
if ms > 0.5 then ts.add(new (0,0,0,0,0,1,0))
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