Question : Help on calculating days in SQL script
The following script:
select (convert(numeric(17,2),dat
date()))) from table
where the column strtdate value is 7/13/1988, the result that gives is:
8031.00 days
However, when I use Excel to cal the difference between 7/13/1988 and 7/9/2010, that value is 8030.00 days
Am I missing something from my script? I have to compare the SQL results with the Excel result and they are different
Answer : Help on calculating days in SQL script
I ran that in Excel 2007, and it worked fine :)
Are you regional settings for dates set at m/d/yyyy (as mine are), or d/m/yyyy?
BTW, I get the same answer if I use =TODAY()-"13 Jul 1988"
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