Question : Only the search string needs to be in color + awk.
The actual search expression is:
awk '/exception/ {i=1 ; while(i<=6) {print getline; i++} }' detail.log
I modified it to show the string exception to be in some color. Obviously, this is not correct all the lines are shown in color and also at the end of each line I see ;1.
I want only search string to be in color like grep --color=auto 'exception' detail.log. How do I do that?
awk '/exception/ {i=1 ; while(i<=6) {print "\033[1;34m" $0 "\033[0;00m;" getline; i++} }' detail.log
Answer : Only the search string needs to be in color + awk.
Why don't you use grep itself??
(-A tells grep to print 5 lines after the context is found)
grep -A5 "exception" detail.log
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