Question : How do I configure a computer in active directory to connect to the server?
I have a small development network that is client/server based. The client is connected to the database/server thru a router. I have a wireless laptop that I can can connect to the domain by right clicking My Computer >> Properties >> Computer Name and then connecting to the domain. It asks to enter the username & password for that domain. It will connect and comes back with the restart computer message. When it restarts, and I try to login selecting that domain I get a message that the domain is not available. I have also done this by connecting to the router via ethernet cable but I get the same thing. I go to Active directory in the server and find the laptop computer name in the list of computers in the detail pane along with my desktop. When I right click on the computer name and then select Manage, it tells me the it cannopt manage this computer. Are there some sttings in the active directory that I need to configure to allow the laptop to connect to the database?
Answer : How do I configure a computer in active directory to connect to the server?
Have you tested contacts? If your email and contacts are working, try deleting the acct on the phone and recreating it. Also, can you view calendar in OWA?
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