Question : Defrag Windows 2000 Server
I have a windows 2000 server that hosts a custom database (industry specific) and citrix. It recently ran low on space, so I cleared out some files. Now, if you take a look at the defrag I am attempting to run, you can see its reporting 22% free space, which is accurate.
However, the defrag shows severe fragmentation, and no space available to run a proper defrag. When I run a defrag overnight, the drive shows heavy fragementation even after completition.
I have rebooted the server after defraging.
So... it looks the defrag is running properly. What can I do? I need to defrag this machine, and I can't create much more free!
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(File Type Details)
screenshot of defrag
Answer : Defrag Windows 2000 Server
Delete the contents of the BackupExec AOFO folder...this is just a snapshot of your backup, which is causing your severe fragmentation. You will need to the delete the files when a backup job is not running and then rerun your defrag.
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