Question : interested in any schematic showing the proper hookups for LED wires for MSI Motherboard Model KM4M
Hi Everyone;
I am needing any link or links which will give the correct LED hookups for Power Switch, Reset Switch, HDD Light, etc. for a MSI Motherboard Model KM4M with a ViA chipset of VT8235. A graphical illustration indicating which connector pins correspond to each of these wires will be perfect and help to illuminate the guess work here. Luckly, all of the wires are labeled except one which connects directly to the internal speaker. And, most of the connector pins themselves are labeled as well. But, I want to have a clear understanding of how the wires will be inserted with respect to their horizontal or vertical orientations.
Any help give here will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Answer : interested in any schematic showing the proper hookups for LED wires for MSI Motherboard Model KM4M
The KM2M was made in two versions. (-L or -V)
I don't know which one version of the mobo you have so I have attached both user manuals.
The manual includes the pinout for all the information your requested.
Good Luck with your build.
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