Question : Dynamically create text box value from query results
I have a form and a report where I'd like to give some details in a footnote. An example is shown below.
In this very generic example the records come from a grouped query (qry1) giving average price for apples and grapes. I would have another grouped query (qry2) that includes color. So I would have 3 records in qry2 related to apples. How can I collect the 3 colors and have them shown in a footnote similar to the one(s) shown?
If I decide to go with more than one footnote, I would obviously create another text box for each footnote.
Item Avg Price
Apple $2.00
Grapes $2.50
* Colors of apples: Red, Green, and Yellow.
** Colors of grapes: Red and Green.
Hopefully that makes sense. This sounds like a text string constructed using some sort of loop. I just don't know how to do that.
Thanks for your help.
Answer : Dynamically create text box value from query results
Try this,
Study it carefully, and try to duplicate what I have done here in your database.
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