Question : Is there a way to change the Helo or EHLO on the exchange 2007 sp2 server?
I have exchange installed on one server. I am sending emails and have defined as the fqdn but when a user receives it they get as the EHLO or HELO response. When I look on the receive connector fqdn that is what is listed
Is there a way to change this to have EHLO or HELO respond with
Answer : Is there a way to change the Helo or EHLO on the exchange 2007 sp2 server?
Two things to start with:
1. disable proxyarp on the inside and Lab_Data interfaces. Checkboxes under Routing in the ASDM GUI..
2. Add the following command:
no nat-control
Also, check the license page in ASDM and see if full DMZ or restricted DMZ ?
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