Question : c strcpy
Hi, I have a question about c.
I changed one line code.
Original code is :
strcpy(hsCust, ('G' !=ptComBuf->sCust[0]) ? "HP":"GE");
Now I need check three companies. So I change the code like this:
strcpy(hsCust, ( 'G' =ptComBuf->sCust[0] ) ? "GE" :(( 'H' = ptComBuf->sCust[0] ) ? "HP" :"AP"));
After I compiled, it give me this error:
Modifiable lvalue required for assignment operator.
Any inputs will be appreciated.
Answer : c strcpy
Should be
@interface frisbee : NSObject {
int fx,fy;
UIImageView frisImageView;
The base class is NSObject. @interface and @end are the keywords. Instance variables (fx, fy, frisImageView) should be in {}.
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