Question : Replace sring on the first line and then replace ALL the following string(2 to eof)
Hi everybody
i got this piece of ms-dos code but it don't work and very don't know why.
In each csv file on a folder,
I would like to replace , to ; on the first line
After that i would like to replace ," to ;"
here the code that i don't know why it won't works:
@echo off >new & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd %userprofile%\bureau
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b *.csv') do (
set xx=0
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%b in ("%%a") do (
set /a xx+=1
if !xx! lss 3 (
set bb=%%b
set bb=!bb:~,=;!
>> new echo !bb!
) else (
>> new echo %%b
move /y new "%%a"
::------ end
thank you
Answer : Replace sring on the first line and then replace ALL the following string(2 to eof)
Yes, your end-users need to have VIEW SERVER STATE privileges for them to get complete information from sys.sysprocesses view else they would be able to view only requests created from their login only.
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