Question : Running .exe file in asp
I have written a web site for a client and he wants people using the site to be able to run an exe file which he has written in order to calculate certain information to help them with a purchase.
we have set up a webserver to host the file as no shared service will allow us to run this file but I cannot get it to run.
I have set iis 5 to allow executables to run and am using the following code hoping that the .exe would run in my browser. the exe in question is a neat little compiled vb application>
Set WshShell = Server.CreateObject("WScri
WshShell.Run "d:\calculator\myFile.exe"
Set WshShell= nothing
Can somebody help me please.
Answer : Running .exe file in asp
Turns out other users could not get into webmail. It was giving a 404 page cannot be displayed. I ended up rebooting for good measure, and that fixed everything.
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