Question : Recommended Cisco Router for 100Mb Ethernet Handoff from Cogent
ONe of my good customers will be getting their internet connection as an ethernet hand off
from Cogent. It's a 100Mbps connection and I was wondering which is the cheapest Cisco (not Linksys) rack mountable router than can handle 100Mbps ethernet to Ethernet...No need for other cards, serial interfaces, wic's, etc...cost is important. My preference would be to have a router that can be gigabit ethernet but it's not a requirement.
Thanks a lot.
Answer : Recommended Cisco Router for 100Mb Ethernet Handoff from Cogent
For the 1900, the 1941 is the cheapest. I do not recommend the ASA as a connection device, as a router does everything the ASA does and more. ASA is good for firewall in addition to router, or if you need a lot of VPN connections.
Posted via EE Mobile
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