Question : Removing numbers after underscore
I am currently using the following to take off the last 3 characters of a string:
, len(RSorder.Fields.Item("o
This turns this Oven Filler Long Grain345 into this Oven Filler Long Grain.
It has now come to my attention that their maybe more than 3 numbers at the end of a string so this isn't the ideal solution.
I would like it so that I could have the string originally appear as Oven Filler Long Grain_345 and no matter how many numbers follow it, everything after the underscore is removed.
I also need to be able to access the number after the underscore as a separate variable.
Is this possible?
Answer : Removing numbers after underscore
s = "Oven Filler Long Grain_345"
s1 = Left(s, InStrRev("_" & s, "_") -1)
s2 = Mid(s, Len(s1) +1)
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