Question : Getting MeetingResponseStatus from members of a distribution list using VBA

Apologies in advance if I pose this question in the wrong way.  I'm not really a programmer and I don't quite know how to work with objects in Outlook and Visual Basic.

I'm trying to check the responses to a list of people who have been invited to a meeting in Outlook.  I have the following code:

If objRecip.AddressEntry.DisplayType = 1 Then       'this is a list, not a person

    Set myDistList = objRecip.AddressEntry
    For y = 1 To myDistList.MemberCount
        response = myDistList.GetMember(y).MeetingResponseStatus
    Next y

but it doesn't work.  My understanding is that MeetingResponseStatus is only attached to a Recipient, and the GetMember function is supposed to return a Recipient from a Distribution List.

Is this clear enough for someone to help me?  Thanks in advance.

Answer : Getting MeetingResponseStatus from members of a distribution list using VBA

I tested with a personal contact list not one in the GAL.
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