Question : access crosstab query question
Is there any way to change the order of the columns in the pivot section of the crosstab query?
I have one stuck in the middle that I need at the beginning.
Here is the query
TRANSFORM Sum(IIF(R.FeeBenefitAmount
= 0, null,R.FeeBenefitAmount)) AS SumOffAmount
SELECT R.Client, R.Loan, R.[Customer Name], R.[Mailing Address], R.[Property Address], Sum(R.FeeBenefitAmount) AS [Sum Of Fees]
FROM QryCustomerServiceRpt_JMR as R
GROUP BY R.Client, R.Loan, R.[Customer Name], R.[Mailing Address], R.[Property Address]
ORDER BY R.Client, R.Loan
PIVOT R.FeeCodeDescription;
The FeeCodeDescription gives me the fee titles. I need one of those fees at the beginning.
Answer : access crosstab query question
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