Question : How to hide track changes menu?

When I insert a para into a document with the track changes option ON, I see that the entire para is highlighted in some color to indicate the para was newly inserted. When I right-click on the para, I see the track changes menu with the options like 'Accept Insertion', 'Reject Insertion', etc. I actually need to see the normal right-click menu having options like copy, paste, font, para, bullet, numbering, etc. How do I make this normal menu appear without accepting or rejecting the changes to the para?

Answer : How to hide track changes menu?

This is what you need to do....This is the code from one of the live project.

ClientInfoList is a class which contains all the properties that i am reading from the xml document.

List<ClientInfoData> clientInfoList;
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(@"..\..\xml_files\clientinfo.xml");
clientInfoList = (from client in doc.Descendants("Client")
orderby client.Element("Name").Value
select new ClientInfoData
ClientId = client.Element("ClientId").Value,
EnergyAdvisor = client.Element("EnergyAdvisor").Value,
Name = client.Element("Name").Value,
City = client.Element("City").Value,
HomePhone = client.Element("HomePhone").Value,
Email = client.Element("Email").Value,
Visit = client.Element("Visit").Value,
Language = client.Element("Language").Value,
Province = client.Element("Province").Value,
StreetNumber = client.Element("StreetNumber").Value,
PostalCode = client.Element("PostalCode").Value,

So you have all the dta from the xml doc.....If you wnat you can use any other loop to get the data from the xml doc.

If there is any other question, let me know.

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