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<?php session_start(); $A_Title=$_GET['aTitle']; $A_eMail=$_GET['aEmail']; $A_FirstName=$_GET['aFname']; $A_MiddleName=$_GET['aMname']; $A_LastName=$_GET['aLname']; $R_title=$_GET['rTitle']; $R_f_name=$_GET['rFname']; $R_m_name=$_GET['rMname']; $R_l_name=$_GET['rLname']; $R_eMail=$_GET['rEmail']; $A_font=$_GET['A_font']; $F_color=$_GET['F_color']; $BG_color=$_GET['BG_color']; //$F_color='#FFFFFF'; $BG_color='#1F52F7'; $RawHeadlineText=$_GET['HeadlineText']; $HeadlineText=stripslashes($RawHeadlineText); $RawBodyText=$_GET['BodyText']; $BodyText=stripslashes($RawBodyText); print " <CENTER> <table border=1 width='575' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='margin-left:50px;margin-right:auto;text-align:left'> <tr> <td width=551 height=100% bgcolor='$BG_color'> <div align='left' Valign='center' colspan=1 height='16' style='FONT-SIZE:16px; font-family:$A_font; color: $F_color'> <P> <UL> A_Title: $A_Title <BR> A_FirstName: $A_FirstName <BR> A_MiddleName: $A_MiddleName <BR> A_LastName: $A_LastName <BR> A_eMail: $A_eMail <P> R_title: $R_title <BR> R_f_name: $R_f_name <BR> R_m_name: $R_m_name <BR> R_l_name: $R_l_name <BR> R_eMail: $R_eMail <P> HeadlineText: $HeadlineText <!-- This fails --> <P> BodyText: $BodyText <!-- This fails --> <P> BG_color: $BG_color <!-- This fails --> <P> A_font: $A_font <BR> F_color: $F_color <!-- This fails --> <P> <P> </UL></div> <div align='left' Valign='center' colspan=1 height='16' style='FONT-SIZE:10px; font-family:$A_font; color: $F_color'> The URL that calls up this document: (TEMPERMENTAL.php?rTitle=Mr.&rFname=FirstName&rMname=M.&rLname=LastName&[email protected]&aTitle=Mr.&aFname=Sas&aMname=J.&aLname=Naktiv&[email protected]&A_font=Comic%20Sans%20MS,%20cursive&F_color=#FFFFFF&BG_color=#960B18&BodyText=Body%20text%20here%20#%203&Headline=Headline%20text) </div> </td> </tr> </table> </center> "; ?>