Question : Laptop not recognising Korg Kontrol 49
I am trying to install my Korg Kontrol 49 Midi Keyboard but i cannot get my laptop (Dell Latitude D630) to recognise it. I have installed the latest Editor Librarian software and the latest drivers... but when i open the Editor Librarian, it does not recognise the midi keboard.
I then updated the Keyboards firmware and it still did not work. I then tried to set the keyboard up on my work laptop (Sony Vaio) and it worked perfectly.
Out of desperation, i wiped my Dell laptop clean, installed a fresh copy of Window XP SP3 with all the updates... then again i installed Editor Librarian and the driver... but still when i open the Editor Librarian, it does not recognise the keyboard.
I am desperate to get this working as i do not know when to turn to now other than buying a new laptop as i cannot think of anything else.
Any help would be greatly appreciated... thanks in advance
Answer : Laptop not recognising Korg Kontrol 49
You will need a midi-to-usb transpoder.. they run about $20-30. I would recommend M-Audio as the brand. Some controllers you need one and some you dont, it all depends on the hardware. Uno or Fast Track have worked well for me in the past.
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